June 2009

Hi All,

Well it's been a few months since the last newsletter. Time slips by so quickly and we have been very busy with a number of different projects. We will try and keep it to a monthly update from now on. 

Since February we have completed a good few jobs, some of them abroad, alongside a number of mosaic and paint projects at home. Rather than try and give an overview of all these projects  (we might save that to next month) we will highlight a project that we have just completed - the Percent for Art Mosaic for Johnstown Boys National School. We installed the largest of the mosaics a few weeks back and took a good few shots of the installation.

The first image shows us setting up to install the mosaic. It is an exterior piece that will scale nearly two storeys of the school building. 

A bit of skillful scaffold building was required for this one. It's one of the largest mosaics we have installed and also in a slightly awkward position so getting good access was essential.

We attached the first section, working from the top down - it's better to get the hard bits over with first!
The lower sections went on quick enough. Each piece slots together like a jigsaw although making sure the measures are correct is essential.

After a few hours the piece is starting to take shape. The mosaic depicts a waterfall and is part of an ecological theme that runs through the various mosaics we have made for the school.

Nearly there at this stage - all we have left to do is to grout the tiles and take down the scaffold. There is a small bit of tiling to do at the base as well.

All the grout is on now and all it needs is the two side sections at the base.

And finally, the finished piece. 

Since we completed this piece we have installed two more interior mosaics in the school which we will highlight next month. Till then - all the best!


Andrew Judge said...

Wow! Looks amazing. Completely changes the feel of the building. Well done lads.

Emma said...

That looks beautiful. Nice job. I presume you designed it too. I would to see what it looked like on paper and then the transformation to mosaic.

anu said...

Great to see all your new creations............will be in bray during the summer....met Michael D in Galway and gave him an update on Mural!

lots of the best to the team